Servicing a 1950's Vulcain Cricket Alarm calibre 120 family watch

See the video associated with the post on the. I recently serviced two family watches owned by the late father of a ClockSavant customer and will be doing a post for each of them. Here I will discuss the 1950's Vulcain Cricket alarm calibre 120, a charming and beautiful vintage watch. Servicing family watches is an important part of what I do, I take great pride in restoring sentimental watches having so much meaning and importance. Here we have a Vulcain alarm watch from an era where only a mechanical marvel such as this could keep you on-time. The Cricket, which houses two mainsprings, one for the alarm and another for time, was, and still is, the loudest alarm watch ever made. They are very well designed and when properly maintained and serviced, run with extraordinary strength. However, due to their complexity and utility, they can show a good deal of wear and past watchmaker abuse. As I've mentioned in the past, complicated watches given to the wrong person to service can take a beating. You can feel and see the anger and frustration of past watchmakers inside the watch-- their scratches, skipped steps, etc. This watch beared some of those scars. After servicing, it is once again running in top condition with trademark Vulcain strength and very loud alarm. An important family watch ready for future generations.

Servicing a 1950's Vulcain Cricket Alarm calibre 120 family watch

Servicing a 1950's Vulcain Cricket Alarm calibre 120 family watch

Servicing a 1950's Vulcain Cricket Alarm calibre 120 family watch

Servicing a 1950's Vulcain Cricket Alarm calibre 120 family watch

Servicing a 1950's Vulcain Cricket Alarm calibre 120 family watch

Servicing a 1950's Vulcain Cricket Alarm calibre 120 family watch

Servicing a 1950's Vulcain Cricket Alarm calibre 120 family watch

Servicing a 1950's Vulcain Cricket Alarm calibre 120 family watch